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Minggu, 04 Desember 2016

Karangan Ilmiah

Karangan ilmiah adalah karangan ilmu pengetahuan yang menyajikan fakta dan ditulis menurut metodologi penulisan yang baik dan benar. Ciri khusus dari karangan ilmiah yaitu harus ditulis secara jujur dan akurat berdasarkan kebenaran tanpa mengingat akibatnya (Brotowijoyo, 1985)

Karangan ilmiah yang baik baik dan benar dapat memberikan informasi mengenai bermacam-macam ilmu pengetahuan. Dalam penyampaian informasi tersebut digunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca. Kegiatan penulisan karangan ilmiah akan melatih para intelektual menjadi lebih terampil mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuannya.

Jenis-jenis karangan ilmiah antara lain:

1. Makalah.
Makalah adalah suatu karya tulis ilmiah yang pendek dan sederhana, menyajikan suatu masalah yang pembahasannya berdasarkan data dan fakta yang bersifat objektif.

2. Kertas Kerja.
Kertas kerja adalah suatu karya ilmiah yang disajikan dalam semianar lokakarya.

3. Skripsi.
Skirpsi adalah karya ilmiah yang ditulis oleh seorang mahasiswa sebagau syarat untuk memeroleh gelar sarjana.

4. Tesis.
Tesis adalah karya ilmiah yang mengungkapkan pengetahuan baru yang diperoleh dari penelitian sendiri, yang memperbincangkan pengujian suatu hipotesis atau lebih oleh mahasiswa pascasarjana.

5. Disertasi.
Disertasi disajikan untuk memperoleh gelar doktor. Disertasi mengemukakan dalil yang dapat dibuktikan oleh penulis berdasarkan data dan fakta yang valid dengan analisis yang padat dan padu.

Kalimat Efektif

Kalimat efektif adalah kalimat yang sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa indonesia baik ejaan maupun tanda bacanya, sehingga mudah dipahami oleh pembaca. Sehingga kalimat efektif dapat memberikan pengertian kepada para pembaca seperti apa yang dimaksudkan oleh si penulis.

Kalimat efektif memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
-penekanan terhadap inti pikiran.
-kehematan pemakaian kata.
-kesepadanan dan kesatuan.

Jika kalimat efektif yang digunakan dapat menarik atau menggugah pembaca, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa bahasa kalimat yang mendukung ide ataupun gagasan bahasa tersebut sudah cukup efektif karena dapat mewakili pemikiran si penulis kepada para pembaca.

Sekian mengenai kalimat efektif, semoga membantu. 

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word atau  adalah perangkat lunak pengolah kata (word processor) andalan dari Microsoft. Microsof word biasa digunakan untuk mengerjakan tugas. Microsoft word sangat sering digunakan di dalam pendidikan dan juga pekerjaan. 

Keberadaan Microsoft Word menggantikan pendahulunya yaitu mesin ketik. Penggunaan microsoft word juga lebih mudah daripada mesin ketik. Pengguna dapat menyimpan data dan juga mencetaknya kapan saja. 

Fungsi dari microsoft word antara lain adalah membuat dokumen dengan cepat dan mudah, dokumen juga dapat dicetak kapan saja setelah disimpan juga dapat menyimpan dokumen dalam ukuran yang kecil juga beragam. 

Selain itu word juga memiliki kelebihan daripada mesin ketik yaitu dapat mengurangi pemakaian kertas, tersedia banyak gaya tulisan, juga dapat menyimpan banyak dokumen berbagai format. 

Sekian mengenai miscrosoft word dari saya.

Kamis, 24 November 2016

"Wings" Review

Wings is the second studio album by South Korean boy group BTS. The album was released on October 10, 2016 and contains 15 tracks, with "Blood Sweat & Tears" as its first single, and seven solo songs recorded by the members.
It charted on the Billboard 200 at number 26, making it the highest charting and best selling K-pop album on the chart; and the first to spend more than one week on the chart.[5] The album's lead single, "Blood Sweat & Tears", became the group's first domestic number one hit on Gaon Digital Chart. It broke South Korean Gaon chart records as the highest selling album recorded on its monthly and yearly charts.
From September 4 to 13, 2016, Big Hit Entertainment released a series of short films for each member to promote the new comeback. Each film uses heavy imagery and quotes from the book, Demian, by Hermann Hesse. They are: Jungkook's "Begin", Jimin's "Lie", V's "Stigma", Suga's "First Love",[ Rap Monster's "Reflection", J-Hope's "Mama", and Jin's "Awake". On September 25, 'Wings': Boy Meets Evil was released as their comeback trailer.[19] Later they released the concept photos for the new studio album. On October 5, they released the album's track list.
The group held a press conference for the release of their album on the 10th. Asked about their new concept and its meaning, leader Rap Monster explained, "The harder a temptation is to resist, the more you think about it and vacillate. That uncertainty is part of the process of growing. [Blood Sweat & Tears] is a song that shows how one thinks, chooses, and grows." Symbolism such as the "wings" were representations of growth, with Suga adding, "The song relays an optimistic determination to use our wings to go far, even if we are met with temptations in life."
During their V-live pre-show held on the 9th, the members discussed their own solo songs featured in the album, with Jungkook explaining that his solo track, "Begin", was about his journey to Seoul and meeting the BTS members. V revealed his song, "Stigma", describing it as "a song under the neo-soul genre". J-Hope described his song, "MAMA" as unforgettable, as it was about his childhood emotions for his mother. "Awake" was also Jin's first experience in co-composition. Rap Monster revealed that the 14th track, "Two! Three! (Still Wishing There Will Be Better Days)" was the first official fan song. In an additional V-live broadcast on October 20, 2016, Rap Monster discussed the album's songs in-depth. He complimented J-hope's dancing abilities for the trailer and Jimin's songwriting on "Lie", and shared that "First Love" reminded him how important the piano is for Suga.[23]
The song "Am I Wrong" samples Keb' Mo's 1994 jazz/blues song "Am I Wrong" and the album credits Kevin Moore as co-writer and co-producer.

On October 6, they released a teaser for their title track "Blood Sweat & Tears". At 12:00 KST, October 10, the official music video for "Blood Sweat & Tears" was released. The six minute video features Rap Monster reciting from a passage of Hermann Hesse’s Demian, which was an inspiration for the album's concept, and does not appear on the album version of the song. Billboard K-Town's Tamar Herman described the music video as "a haunting [one] that explores ideas of fate, reality, life and death, and falling from grace."
The MV was directed by Choi Yongseok and Ko Yoojeong of Lumpens. Additional notable pyers of production include Nam Hyunwoo of GDW as director of photography, Kim Gyeungseok of Sunny as gaffer, Lee Moonyoung of Myllab as art director, and Shin Yunkyun of DnD line for special effects. Choreography was created by Keone Madrid & Quick Style Crew and supervised by Son Sungdeuk.
Within 24 hours of the music video's release, it reached 6.3 million views, setting a new record. Also on October 13, it was reported that "Blood, Sweat & Tears" had become the fastest K-pop music video by a group to reach 10 million views. According to reports, this was achieved in less than 42 hours - almost half the amount of time taken for their previous record "Fire", which took 72 hours.

source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wings_(BTS_album)